Browse Articles By Tag: self growth
There are so many things in this world that produce stress and the main problem with stress is that it can affect your health. Therefore it is imperative that you try to eliminate all forms of stress. It will not be easy to do, but there is hope. (...)
06.05.2014 · From alayalewis
Everybody makes mistakes. Some are not very big. Others are catastrophic. No matter what kind of mistake you have made, when you realize it you must take steps to mend it. If it is a huge mistake, you may not be able to make it right, but you can at least take steps...
05.05.2014 · From alayalewis
A lot of people don't realize how important it is to be kind to yourself. They think it a silly, immature notion, but they don't realize that being kind to yourself is one of the best things you can do in your life. (...)
03.05.2014 · From alayalewis
I am an advocate of doing personal development daily. You should listen to motivational recordings on a daily basis to improve your mental outlook and your focus. You should read motivational books daily to strengthen you motivation using another modality. (...)
01.05.2014 · From alayalewis
I am on the path of self-improvement. Every day I focus on personal development, but I noticed something very interesting. Improving our mindset, our health, and our financial standing is on a timetable that we often overlook. (...)
29.04.2014 · From alayalewis
Lots of people have problems with change, yet change is just about the only thing you can count on. No matter whether you are an employee, a boss, a parent, a teacher, a student or some combination of these personal descriptions, sooner or later you will have to deal...
28.04.2014 · From alayalewis
This is very exciting as it is something that I have wanted to do for some time now. I have decided to take up a new hobby. For a very long time I have wanted to learn an instrument. It did not really matter which instrument, as long as it was an instrument that I...
27.04.2014 · From alayalewis
If you are serious about improving yourself, what you need to know is that there are a few different ways you can accomplish that. Of course, what you need to know is that it is imperative that you start somewhere. (...)
26.04.2014 · From alayalewis
I had always heard that saying about no one else liking you if you aren't even someone who likes themselves. I had thought about it for some time, and I thought I liked myself pretty well. After all, how could you not like someone? Well, it turns out, about a year ago...
18.04.2014 · From alayalewis
As a parent, your personal development undergoes major changes. When you see your children making the same decisions you made, or even when they make decisions you didn't make, it can be strange and interesting to know how you fit into all that. (...)
16.04.2014 · From alayalewis
Personal development can mean many things. You can develop better interpersonal relationships, new talents or even a new career. One aspect of personal development is one that many people desire-the development of improved health, fitness and looks. (...)
14.04.2014 · From alayalewis
Even though most adults will not admit it, their children often feel a high level of stress, just like they do. Starting at a very young age, children will often begin to become more self-aware while they are developing effective, or ineffective, coping mechanisms in...
14.04.2014 · From alayalewis
Personal Development to a person is similar to a business plan formulated for a successful business. The personal development plan should include all your attitudes, skills, behaviors, habits and whatever that is required to enhance the quality of your life as a whole. (...)
11.04.2014 · From alayalewis
Personal development seems like a rather hazy term to many people. Nevertheless, it is a reality that unless people actively make a decision to improve their personal position in life, they will actually regress and become less capable to react and deal with the most...
11.04.2014 · From alayalewis
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